

Basic Principle

The core value of our corporate management is to comply with basic principles and put them into practice, and we are fully aware that compliance with rules and regulations is the basis of our business operation. In accordance with social norms, we conduct our business in a legitimate and transparent manner.

Code of Conduct

1. As a corporate citizen, we shoulder a high sense of social responsibility and operate our business in a sound and safe way.
① Based upon adequate consideration of safety and quality, we develop and conduct our capital business and relative services for the sake of social well-being, winning a trustworthy reputation among our clients in a wide range.
② We promptly take restoration measures against social risks, such as natural disaster, etc.
③ We take environmental issues into serious consideration, which exert great influence over enterprise survival and activities. Hence, we take initiative actions in environment-friendly operation.
④ As a model corporate citizen, we devote ourselves to contribution to the whole society.

2. Prohibition against misappropriation of corporate property.
Abiding strictly by corporate inner order, we conduct our corporeal and incorporeal property administration in an appropriate way. Usage of corporate property for the sake of private interests rather than corporate interests, such as misappropriation, is forbidden.

3. Circumspect information processing and corresponding liability system.
① Without necessary formality, it is not allowed to bring outside corporate internal and external information. In addition, information disclosure and usurpation is a ban in our company.
② We highly respect individual right of privacy and manage our clients' personal information in a cautious and prudent way.
③ We conduct our advertisement and publicity based on objective facts in an honest and transparent way.

4. Prohibition on misappropriation of undisclosed information for the sake of personal interests.
① It is not allowed to be engaged in share dealing based on undisclosed information obtained from our business. It is also not permitted to provide undisclosed information for a third party for the purpose of their benefit or convenience.
② Ban on misuse of authority with the aim of personal interests or convenience.

5. Free and fair competition.
Observing relative rules and regulation, we advocate free competition in all our transactions and conduct our business in a fair and square way. Moreover, we promise never to be involved in any activity far from a free and fair competition.

6. No involvement with antisocial force.
We proclaim no participation in any personal, corporate or collective activity that has an adverse impact on social orders or enterprise operation.

7. No execution of improper accounting treatment or false report.
Complying with relevant laws and regulations, we implement information disclosure of shareholders and investors in a prompt and accurate way.

8. No delinquent behavior.
① Our staffs make reasonable judgments and take appropriate actions in case of any social misapprehension and negative evaluation.
② We do not perform any operation deviating from sound business administration or violating social norms. We attach great importance to maintain a healthy and harmonious relationship with government and municipality.
③ We highly value a trustworthy relationship with our commercial partners and promise never to obtain or distribute improper interests.

9. No nationality, age, racial, sexual or physical discrimination.
We commit ourselves to create a healthy and harmonious atmosphere without any discrimination on the grounds of race, belief, color, gender, religion, nationality, language, physical features, property or birthplace, etc.

10. We respect our staff's personality and character, create safe and secure working environment.
We provide our staffs abundant material conditions as well as value their personality and character. Warranty of safety and health is given priority. Moreover, we apply ourselves to eliminate injuries and accidents so as to build an environmental-friendly and harmonious working atmosphere.

11. Awareness and action, as a global citizen.
① As a global citizen, we strictly abide by laws and rules of the relevant countries in order to promote healthy and harmonious commercial activities.
② We are active in exchange and communication with our business partners in other places. Respecting their human rights, culture, tradition and custom, etc., we do our utmost to maintain and improve amity and affiliation between us.