
IR (Investor Relations) Policy

Basic policy of IR activities

The basic policy of IR activities in Liri Financial Limited is to disclose important information about us to all enterprise stakeholders led by our stockholders and investors with transparency, accuracy, immediacy and continuity. In accordance with the concerned basic policy, we conduct our business in a highly transparent and honest manner for the sake of all stakeholders. We make known to the public the information about our products and services, managerial strategies and latest trends, etc. through our official website in a prompt, plain and impartial way, aiming for popularity and reputation of our business.

Principle of information disclosure

Even it is not regulated in the laws and rules formulated by the concerned organization; Liri Financial Limited takes the initiative in disclosing the information that may have an influence on the decision making of investment by shareholders and investors, or that can help improve the growing popularity of our company in public.

Internal system for information disclosure

The IR officer in Liri Financial Limited is in charge of disclosing our strategic decisions or issues that may have an impact on the decision making of investment by shareholders and investors on our official website.

Information released by the third party

Liri Financial Limited remains neutral and impartial in attitude towards information about the evaluation and budget of our performance released by the third party. However, Liri Financial Limited will take appropriate measures in accordance with the criteria formulated by the concerned organization, if the relative information is obviously wrong or exerts a tremendous influence upon capital market.

Disclosure policy on future prospects (Disclaimer)

Except for historical facts in the information disclosed by Liri Financial Limited, the rest can be regarded as the prediction of our future performance, such as present plans, forecasts and strategies, etc. Those predictions are judgments of our management team based upon available information, which maybe involve risks and uncertainties. In addition, there are probably wide discrepancies between the actual and the predicted performance due to the impact of various factors, such as economic and competitive situation in the field.