
Privacy Policy


Liri Financial Limited claims that we manage and utilize our customers' personal information in an appropriate way, adhering to the concerned rules and regulations. We promise to make reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of all personal information that we process relating to you and regularly review and enhance our technical, physical and managerial procedures to accelerate our informatization process.

Usage & Purpose

Liri Financial Limited collects customers' personal information to carry out and administrate our services for the sake of improving our customers' satisfaction. Customers' personal information can be applied in the following ways:

1. provide Liri Financial Limited's service to the customers,
2. check the identity of the customer to prevent the money laundering other unauthorized transactions,
3. design services or products for customer's use,
4. provide the authorized third party to consign Liri Financial Limited's operation,
5. exercise Liri Financial Limited's right agreed by both customers and Liri Financial Limited on the contract, agreement, or terms and conditions,
6. assist other financial institutions to conduct customer's request of transactions and investigation,
7. introduce new services and products of Liri Financial Limited to customers by direct mailing, e-mail, questionnaire and other marketing methods,
8. evaluate the customer's background for the loan application,
9. improve the relationship between Liri Financial Limited and customers,
10. reserve the rights from the breach of guideline or ordinances by customers.


Liri Financial Limited acquires customers' personal information for the purpose of the above-mentioned usages in a legitimate way.


Liri Financial Limited may be required to disclose the customer's personal information to the government or associated financial institutes. In that case, the disclosure will follow the proper way set out in the New Zealand Law.


Liri Financial Limited takes safeguard measures in management of customers' personal information against any loss, distortion or reveal. We claim that our staffs in charge of customers' personal information are informed of the significance of the confidentiality of all personal information. Besides, we can also entrust our customers' personal information to a third party under our supervision.


By accessing any page of this website you are agreeing to the privacy policy set out above. In case of any discrepancy among the English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.